Final Presentation Proposal Form -> click HERE

Remember, the idea is to "push" you in the area of technology.
Make the activity applicable to you personally and/or professionally.

Possible Ideas for the Final Project:

Read one of the books from the Lit Review that stood out to you. Learn/develop a specific tech skill you were not proficient in previously.
Become proficient at your district's Data Warehouse Re-design your building tech plan
Collect & analyze your currret tech inventory and design a replacement model for the nest 5 years. Investigate the cost of equipping your building's with a "standard" set of tech equipment in each classroom
Develop a tech-infused professional development plan for building Learn about the current infrastructure needs of your building and district.
Collect & analyze technology distribution in your district. Are there equity needs that can be addressed based on this data? Initiate a principal's (or whatever your position) blog, or piece of communication that is ongoing and that your community can respond to.
Collect & analyze acess to technology needs in your building. Develop a plan to address it. Learn about SMART technology and the power of the presentation
Research Web 2.0 tools and applications -- and which could make your job more more streamlined. Investigate and survey using Survey Monkey (or other survey tools) how much of your district's tech tools are actually being used for student learning and report out.
Use Survey Monkey or other free web-based surveying tool wtih your staff . Investigate different open source CMS systems (Joomla, Drupal, Al Fresco) and how it might fit into your district
Develop a plan to integrate technology into your staff meetings Develop an image repository on Picassa or Flickr for your school
Learn to use eCove or other observation software effectively and efficiently. Integrate video in your evaluations for staff.
Do an analysis of Ken Robinson's curated TED talk list on education