CLASS ONE (2)- Saturday, January 22, 2011 9:00 AM
Morning BIG IDEA - Course & Blog Introductions
Afternoon BIG IDEA - Educational Technology - The Dream/The Reality
What is Ed Tech and why is it important? - Zucker chapter & Discussion (text protocol)
What is the potential for EdTech?
What are the biggest disappointments?
Is it worth the cost? How do you convince a skeptical community?
Final Project Think Session:
What is the coolest tech integration I saw/read /heard about this year in my school?
Blog Reflection on class - What did you learn? What will you do about it?
HW- Bring building or District tech plan (or link) to class
CLASS TWO (3) - Tuesday, Feb 1, 2011 5:30 PM - Final Project Page
BIG IDEA - Ed Tech Tools
CLASS THREE (5) Saturday, February 12, 2011 9:00 AM -
Morning BIG IDEA - The Web & It's Evolution - Final Project Proposal Form due March 5
1. Blog response - "comment" on at least two classmate's blog.
2. Center Court
3. Sugata Mitra on Self-Organizing Systems and the "Hole in the Wall":
Here's Sugata Mitra's follow up session at TED this last Fall:
- Follow up article from BBC
4. Web Tools and Sites
5. Observations on District or Building Tech Plans- See new BSD Tech Plan 2011-2014 Plan- Discussion
Afternoon BIG IDEA - Exploring Web 2.0 & Final Project Work Q/A
Web 1.0 vs 2.0
7. Weebly vs Google Sites vs. Wiki Spaces
8. Final Project Q/A and sharing
9. READING IN CLASS: Chapter 2 from “Don’t Make Me Think” , by Steve Krug
Definitions : QuickTime, Firewall, MacOS, MS-DOS, Broadband, Cookies, Widget, FTP
End of day: Blog reflection on class today
HW: Design a simple and/or silly form/questionnaire on Google Docs and post the link on your blog. Here's mine as a sample . Find someone's questionnaire and take it.
CLASS FOUR (6) - TUESDAY, FEB 22, 2011 - CLASS CANCELLED (see below for makeup)
Online make up class using eLuminate Collaboration Software scheduled for:
Monday, Feb 28 7 PM (you will get an email with a link on Monday)
Center Court
Any new interesting observations at your school with a more focused tech lens?
Google Apps/Docs Discussion
Tour of eLuminate from Gary
Sugata Mitra TED video Chapter 2
Final Project Form & Questions
Plan for Saturday
Pre-read link called Entertainment Education for Saturday
Definitions: QuickTime, Firewall, MacOS, MS-DOS, Broadband, Cookies, Widget, FTP
Final Questions?
To view Monday evening's online Collaboration Session, click HERE !
(You will be asked to identify yourself and provide an email address.)
CLASS FIVE - (8) Saturday, March 5, 2011 - 9:00 AM
Final Project Proposal Form - Due March 5
BIG IDEA - What is Entertainment Education and
1. Read/Respond to Blogs
2. "Center Court"
Entertainment-Education - Arvind Singhal & Everett Rogers (Preface xi-xii; pages 8-11)
GUEST SPEAKER: Steve Halliday , Communication Specialist and PhD candidate, author/editor
4. GarageBand : GarageBand - Click on "Get to Know GarageBand" - Tutorial from Apple
5. Work on Final Project
CLASS SIX - (9) Tuesday, March 8, 2011 - 5:30 PM
BIG IDEA - Where do we go from here?
To explore independently:
HW: Final Project Prep
CLASS SEVEN - (10) Tuesday, March 15, 2011 - 5:30 PM
Read/Respond to Blogs
Final Presentations
Final Thoughts
Course Evaluation
Post Course "Think Sessions" - Follow up and follow through:
"Making School Real " - October 1898 - Check out this 112 year old article that has an eerily familiar theme!
Ownership and legality of content
Google Earth
Video production
Audio production
Professional organizations
Skype and other Instant Messaging
Music/mobile device learning
Apps appropriate for Education
Graphics programs (iPhoto, GraphicConverter, Photoshop/Illustrator)
Web Authoring Tools